Saturday, July 14, 2018

Are Survey Results used properly by Education Managers

Here is an example:

The survey of international students in Canada was conducted by the Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE) in 2015.  In total, international students from 35 educational institutions including 20 universities, 11 colleges, and 4 polytechnic/institutes.


The results of the survey show that once in Canada, international students are also highly motivated to stay in Canada and to work in Canada after graduation.

 • A large percentage of international students have plans to apply for permanent residency (50.6%) and to work in Canada after graduation (61.0%). These percentages are slightly lower than those reported by prospective international students, perhaps due to experiences once in Canada.

• International students who had Canadian students or a mixture of Canadian students and international students as friends were 1.44 times more likely to intend to apply for permanent residency than international students who had only other international students and/or students from their home countries as friends

• International students who had previously studied in Canada were 1.81 times more likely to intend to apply for permanent residency than international students who had not previously studied in Canada

• International students who relied on financial support from on-/off-campus work income, a paid internship or a co-op were 1.35 times more likely to plan to work in Canada after graduation than international students who did  not have this type of financial support.


Prospective international students expect support from their educational institutions to secure employment after graduation, particularly in the form of assisting them to establish professional connections in Canada. To fulfill this expectation, mentorship and networking opportunities to build professional connections are crucial. Perhaps most importantly, employment opportunities for international students post-graduation are essential as part of any strategy designed to retain these individuals as a skilled workforce in Canada long term. Without meaningful work, these individuals are likely to move to greener pastures where their skills will be appreciated in the labour market.

Are Survey results used properly by Education Managers ?

Only by a select few !!!!

Read the full article here:

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