Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Articles for ESL English Teachers

ESL Teacher Training programs in Canada - There are a wide variety of certificate programs offered by universities, colleges, private schools, non-profit educational organizations, and fly-by-night paper mills.

True or not - who cares, How many times do we "misjudge" by appearance? A Teacher's story - you can make a difference.

Thinking of ESL Teaching? Questions to ask yourself - Good ESL teachers are patient at explaining things. Being comfortable with explaining content and context to students is an essential skill for teachers.

The World has changed for ESL Teachers - Some interesting "2018" facts for new ESL Teachers. The world has definitely changed since September 11, 2001.

Introduction to Accreditation - Accreditation is a validation statement by a group of persons who are, theoretically, impartial experts in higher education, that a given school, or department within a school, has been thoroughly investigated and found worthy of approval.

Introduction to TPR - Teaching Methodology by James Asher PHD - As instructors we give ourselves the advantage of using the right brain when we move about the classroom in our delivery of information. Movement of our body makes information flow from left to right and back again at lightning velocity.

Introduction to Accelerated Learning Strategies - While language is one of the most important products of human evolution, it uses only a few of the many skills and senses available to our minds.

Referral of ESOL learners for LD should NEVER happen! My view is that the referral of ESOL learners for LD should NEVER happen. There are three major reasons for that, the first two of which are deeply intertwined.

ESL Web Resources and Sites for Teachers

English Literature Resources and Sites for Teachers

English Grammar to the Rescue - Grammar has long been regarded as the result of centuries of logical improvements in the systematic organization of language. Grammar has been held up as one of the defining criteria elevating mankind above mere animals.

Teachers as Professional Baseball Players - It always amazes me to hear about "Teacher Performance Ratings" especially when you consider the criteria used, the questions asked, qualifications and or the agendas of the managers.

Original page in the ESL in Canada Directory

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