Tuesday, January 20, 2009

1st EULETA Legal English Workshop

European Legal English Teachers’ Association (EULETA)

Testing, Assessing and Evaluating Legal English Skills

Hosted by The Language Centre, Humboldt University, Berlin

16th May 2009

Call for papers

If you would like to offer a presentation/workshop/talk at this event on the testing, evaluation or assessment of English for academic, general or vocational legal purposes, please complete the form below and return (email or fax) by 23rd February 2009 to:

email: david.bowskill@spz.hu-berlin.de

Proposal Guidelines

All presentations/workshops will be 30 - 45 minutes (including questions).
Paper Title: max. 15 words.
Summary for Selection Committee: max. 300 words.
Abstract for Programme: max. 80 words.
Presenter Biography: max. 50 words.
Presenters will be informed & selected by 6th March 2009
Name of presenter:
Institution / affiliation / sponsor:
Type of presentation: talk workshop product presentation other (specify)

Audience (please highlight/bold):
English for Legal Purposes - general (ELP),
English for Vocational Legal Purposes (EVLP),
English for Academic Legal Purposes (EALP), other
 ELP  EVLP  EALP  other (please specify)

Equipment required (please highlight/bold):
 VHS video/DVD  OHP  CD player  projector  other (please specify)

Scheduling - please indicate when you will NOT be able to give your presentation:
 Saturday a.m.  Saturday p.m.


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