Friday, December 26, 2008

Real Costs to Train Canadian Newcomers

I was reviewing some of the ESL articles published in the various newspapers.

The same problems are re-cycled every year and have been for the last 20 years. The ESL students with cash are welcomed into the public and private schools. The ESL students without cash or Link are left to fend for themselves.

The Article Title
Brock University welcomes ESL students
(of course the students are paying top dollar for the programs)

The Article Title
Second language, second class
(this the Toronto Star article outlining the lack of funds and proper sponsorship by the Federal and Provicial Governments and Toronto Disctrict School Board)

Every year, more than 100,000 adults in Ontario register for English-as-a-second-language courses. The lucky 22,500 get first-class treatment. Their program, known as LINC (Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada), is financed by the federal government and delivered by school boards, community colleges and immigrant organizations. It is free. Child care is available. The remaining 80,000 aren't as fortunate.

To read the full article:

The projected costs for the 80,000 adult ESL learners is 4,000,000. If this was spent I wonder how much UIC would be reduced across the province? I wonder how much additional tax revenue would be generated as trained workers earn more?

There are lots of examples of money spent less well in Ontario.

The Ontario School boards could play a role too. They should act as advocates for their adult ESL students, most of whom aren't in a position to speak for themselves.

The Article Title
Multicultural program provides needed support

Dozens of newcomers to Canada pour into Ana Perdomo's office every week as the number of immigrants moving to Yellowknife continues to grow. The program has been in place since the summer of 2005 and has its own facility because of the large need in the community. It has grown to include 132 families from more than 32 countries. The program has yet to receive any funding from Citizenship and Immigration Canada. It runs on donations and funding the NWT Department of Education, Culture and Employment has provided.

To read the full article:

The Article Title
Foreign student learned hard lesson in Toronto

Chang Yuan-Jen enrolled in an ESL course at Pattison College in Toronto. He plunked down a cheque for $5,400 for his tuition and started classes in May 2007. Three weeks later, with no word of warning, Pattison folded its tent. Allen got no refund.
Allen has written to Pattison College, whose head office is in Vancouver. He has made calls and sent emails. He has had no response. He got screwed.

To read the full article:


ESL in Canada BLOG URL

1 comment:

  1. The good thing about your information is that it is explicit enough for students to grasp. Thanks for your efforts in spreading academic knowledge. Regards.
